OK, I'm really done with all of these fame-grubbing parents of multiples. I'm tired of their constant magazine articles, tired of their supposedly adorable yet world-weary children, basically tired of their crap. The fact that these crazies obtained television and book deals just for having FAR too many offspring just baffles me. And of course, now that "Jon and Kate Plus 8" spectacularly hit the buffers, uber-annoying mom Kate Gosselin is EVERYWHERE. How she managed to deal with a family of 10 and television cameras, I'll never know - the woman is a shrew. We can all probably come to the consensus that Jon Gosselin isn't our first choice among TV husbands (dude, lay off the Ed Hardy duds, for god's sake) but the poor guy was nagged to death. She drove him to those sleazy college girls and graffiti-laden pants!
So, even though post-divorce Kate smothered us with her sideways mullet and a steady diet of jean skirts and wedges, we now have to deal with her smarmy mug every week on primetime TV. Because, as everyone knows, when your fame is fleeting and you've completely run out of options, snag a spot on "Dancing with the Stars". (Ahem, Heather McCartney).
I don't want to see Kate Gosselin in any capacity. Giving her hair extensions, putting her in a blinding, sparkle-covered dress and those suspiciously Hooter's girl-esque dancing tights is not going to change my mind.
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