I have an iPod and several burned CDs scattered around the glove compartment of my car, and amongst those scratched silver discs lurks. . . GASP!. . . Tori Spelling's second book! On compact disc! Noooo!
But seriously, I bought it. Myself. (At the time I did have a four-hour, hungover drive to make, so that excuses the audio version). It's unfortunately titled Mommywood, but it is fortunately awesome.
I never paid any attention to Tori Spelling. I vaguely remember scanning some gossipy 90s-era tabloid article (Tori Spelling wears nail polish containing real gold dust?!) in the checkout line at the grocery store. But other than that, the comings and goings of Donna Martin held little interest for me. Until now, my dears.
Unless you live under a rock, you'll know that La Tori has had a bit of a comeback these last few years - two marriages, two babies and several reality shows. I read her first book, StoriTelling - I borrowed it, ok? - watched the ubiquitous "Tori and Dean: Inn Love" and was immediately smitten. I am begrudgingly ready to admit it - I love Tori Spelling.
Possibly because I'm going through the steps to become a mom myself, but listening to that audio CD of Mommywood is strangely comforting. Yes, she discusses lame-o cliches that make her annoyingly Hollywood-trendy - skinny jeans, "gay husbands", Fred Segal. But her dirty diaper and ultrasound stories make her endearing; she is navigating life and parenthood just like everyone else.
For awhile, I had a little ritual during long-ish car trips: I would buy a bag of All-Natural Cheetos, a Coke Zero, and pop in that damned book-on CD. Re-listening to the audio book is like watching a favorite TV Land rerun, and those Cheetos are like crack. Maybe Tori Spelling will read this and take me to Fred Segal with her.
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